Tech Tips Newsletter - Why Content Curation is Essential

Editor: Karen Franker
In this Section

Content Curation

Discover why the ability to skillfully gather, organize, and share exemplary digital content has become a critical part of training and learning. Explore the use of digital tools to competently and efficiently share valuable content with learners and colleagues.

Is Content Curation in Your Skill Set? It Should Be 
David Kelly explains five models of content curation and describes strategies for using online tools such as Storify, Twitter, and Zite to share expertise with colleagues.

What Content Curation, Chunking Information, and Micro-learning Have in Common 
Tadej Stanic shares his innovative framework for combining content curation expertise and information chunking to design value-added courses with a clear learning path. 

Content Curation Primer 
Beth Kanter describes the three S’s of content curation—seek, sense, share-- and how to overcome that “content-fried” feeling through honing one’s curation skills. 

Content Creation Using Storify as a Formative Assessment 
Ian O’Byrne shares creative strategies for moving learners from content consumers to curators to constructors via the use of Storify to document learning.

7 Things You Should Know About Social Content Curation (PDF) 
The Educause staff presents an analysis of the trends and possibilities offered by both instructor-curated and student-curated content. 

The Deconstruction of the K-12 Teacher 
Michael Godsey speculates on the changing role of the instructor to a facilitator of curated content and what that might mean for the future of the teaching profession.

Tech Tip: 10 Steps to Get Started with Curation

Follow Craig Kemp’s 10 easy steps to capture Twitter chats, Storify posts, Facebook + content, and Google videos to present a compelling story for colleagues and learners. 

Featured Online Course

Meet your professional development goals for continuing education, license renewal, or advanced certification.

RDGED 702 Reading in the Content Areas

3 graduate credits

Every teacher of reading, science, social studies, history, mathematics, health, the arts, and English language learners can benefit from research-based instructional strategies that enable students to read and understand complex informational texts and content-rich nonfiction.

Implement and evaluate reading interventions for struggling readers. Learn how to enhance overall reading achievement through building vocabulary, literal understanding, inferential reading, and comprehension and retention.

“The communication within this class was phenomenal. Dr. Crum really seemed to 'get it' when it came to dealing with issues and questions from all of us busy teachers.It was very hands-on which allowed me to learn much more about content reading strategies."
~ Crum Kitzi, first grade teacher
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