Dr. Urs Haltinner is the program director for Ed.D. Career and Technical Education.

Brief Biography

Teaching Interests: Remaining passionate about the social, political and economic environment undergirding the US workforce development system (Career and Technical Education and emerging life-work paradigms) defines me as a Career and Technical (CTE) Educator. Within CTE, preparing teachers and leaders to advance their practice keeps me pushing on the breadth and depth of its technical content. This requires honoring and valuing my business and industry colleagues and their insights. As a teacher educator, I push myself to prepare teacher-candidates that can thrive in emergent teaching, leading and learning paradigms.

Research Interests: My research and scholarship efforts are focused on instructional delivery, methods, and motivation consistent with the national efforts focused on Pk-12 educational reform. My research is focused on preparing PK-12 Marketing and Business teachers, and teacher-educators for opportunities and challenges set forth by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act (2006) and beyond. As a teacher educator, I am committed to understanding social, economic, and technological impacts on CTE its curriculum, methods and assessment. I continually push myself to be a trend spotter to better understand phenomena, experiences, and emergent teaching and learning paradigms. My passion extends to understand both intentional and unintentional consequences and having the courage to surface the big questions. My research demonstrates collaboration, as I engage my colleagues and students in research projects, presentations, and/or publications. I have integrated my scholarly activities with classroom teaching and the professional development activities required to remain current. I have been active in the profession, as evidenced through the publications and presentations outlined below.

Professional Interests: Through active engagement with internal and external stakeholders we contribute to the evolution of teaching and teacher-education. Active engagement is critical to effective leadership in teaching and learning. I am connected with the teaching profession, business, and industry experts, and educational associations and agencies nationally. This is especially important within the work of CTE and its content area programs given its social, political, and economic responsibility and aim towards supporting humans in their quest to live, learn, adapt, and compete in an ever-changing world.

Roles/Responsibilities: Leading the Doctorate in Career and Technical Education as well as teach within the programs course sequence. Additionally, chair and serve on thesis and dissertation committees